Following Royal Windsor Horse Show 2023, Show Director Simon Brooks-Ward tasked the Equestrian Team to ensure Showing results went electronic by 2024. Electronic results today are the norm in most other disciplines. Nicola Cole the Entries Secretary embraced the task and made it her mission to action by this years edition of the Show.
The introduction of the London Arena Showing Series to the London International Horse Show in 2023 created the perfect test environment for the project. Especially because as London is an indoor venue, connectivity is reliable and the weather would not not be a potential issue that would have to be mitigated during the first implementation of the project.
The system that the equestrian team developed for results is simple and easy to use. The biggest initial outlay was the purchase of tablets for the Stewards to access the results/mark sheets in whilst in the ring. The results sheets sit in google docs which is shared with judge’s tablets and the scoring provider. As soon as a result is signed off by the Judge in the ring, this can then be exported and loaded to the results page.
The first use of the results sheets at London was deemed a success, and Stewards provided feedback for improvements to the project before its roll out at Windsor – a more demanding task with its multiple outdoor rings and British weather.

Fast forward to May 2024 the results sheets were set, numerous tests on wi-fi connectivity to our outer rings were undertaken and stewards were provided with training. On the first morning there were some reservations from ring stewards however, by the start of the first class, competitors were being checked in on the system, and the system was working flawlessly.
The ring stewards were integral in making the system work – they embraced the introduction, and by the end of the week gave excellent feedback on improvements. The scoring provider, Equipe also played their part and as soon as a result was signed off, they had it uploaded to the results page. Almost, instantaneous Showing results.
Looking ahead to London in December the updates suggested following Windsor are currently being implemented. Next improvements will be the aesthetics of the sheets – keep an eye out for some prettier results sheets moving forward.