The opening CSI5*-W Jumping class of the day, The Christmas Pudding Speed Stakes, saw 33 of the world’s best show jumpers go head-to-head against the clock. Many of those contesting Bernardo Costa Cabral’s 12 fence course accrued faults under the pressure of setting a pace fast enough to take the victory and it was not until ninth to go – 64-year-old Geir Gulliksen – that a clear round was posted. Playing it safe, the Norwegian rider’s time of 68.61 seconds left the door ajar to those who followed, and World No. 9 Martin Fuchs took over the lead aboard L&L Lorde at the halfway point.
Fuch’s lead was short lived, with Germany’s Mario Stevens gaining the top spot momentarily, before Matthew Sampson put on an impressive performance, much to the delight of the home crowd, to take almost four seconds off Stevens’ time. The 2023 Leading Rider of the Show, riding the 16-year-old Daniel, saw his time beaten on several occasions in the latter stages of the competition, however with faults picked up along the way, Sampson’s lead remained. France’s Kevin Staut came closest, riding his 15-year-old bay mare, Visconti du Telman, with Stevens taking eventual third.
Speaking after his win, Sampson said: “I’m very lucky to have a horse like Daniel, he’s amazing, he makes my job a lot easier. He’s going to do the Grand Prix tomorrow, but he’s not really a horse who likes to go in and do a slow schooling round, so I just did a round that I thought was comfortable for him. Luckily it was enough! The course walked like it was going to be quite easy, but the fences came up quickly and it caused a few challenges – it was a good course because there were faults in all different areas.”
Referring to the Show, Sampson continued: “We aim for this Show all year, we’re always thinking about qualifying to come here, so to be able to come, with my family here too, it’s special – we’re very lucky to have this show in our country.”